Cheat : All cars: Keep pressing L, R, C-Left, C-Up, C-Right, and C-Down at the Cruis'n Exotica title screen, until the screen with the car appears. If all cars have not been unlocked, turn off the Nintendo 64 and try again.
Quick start: Hold A to accelerate during the pre-race countdown until "Set" appears. Then, tap A a few times, then hold the button again. If done correctly, you car will get a faster start when "Go" appears.
Cooler: Win all races in challenge mode, including the drag races.
Formula 2: Get 100,000 miles in challenge mode without too many fourth place finishes to unlock Formula 2. Alternately, win Exotica mode with Glide.
Glide: Get 75,000 miles in challenge mode to unlock the Glide car.
Heavyliftin (forklift): Get 5,000 miles in challenge mode to unlock the Heavyliftin forklift.
Lil Lightnin: Win all the free style races.
Rail: Win Exotica mode with Whiplash.
Rocket: Get 100,000 miles in challenge mode to unlock Rocket.
Scrapin By: Get 95,000 miles in challenge mode to unlock Scrapin By.
Whiplash: Win Exotica mode with Formula 2.
Cars and modes: Win all the challenge races, complete Crusin Exotica mode twice, win all the free style races, and get 40,000 miles to unlock the Heavyliftin, Lil Lightnin, Jalopie, Bad Mobile, Hunkajunk, Skidmarks, G Ride, Cooler, Piewagon, Boxcar, Scrapin By, and Glide cars. Four more of the fastest cars that also can be unlocked Formula 2, Whiplash, Rail, and Rocket. You will also unlock Wacky and Insane modes.
Hint : Hint: Mileage for Cruis'n Exotica mode: Korea: 405 Atlantis: 387 Sahara: 380 Hong Kong: 472 Alaska: 412 Vegas: 451 India: 357 Ireland: 400 Holland: 409 Amazon: 355 Tibet: 400 Mars: 396 Hint: Holland: Hit bikes: When you drive around the statue, stop and look carefully to find some bikes that you can hit.
Hint: Las Vegas shortcut: On Las Vegas, when you come to the point near the water take a right. If done correctly you should be driving on the water.
Hint: Subtract time from total amount: When running low on time press A to do a popper wheelie and hit another car and do a "Super Flip", which will earn one bonus second. You can also do this while turning (your car will just tilt to one side, sideswipe another car, and you will do a barrel roll and get two bonus points). If you do these while hitting a ramp you will also do the tricks. The game will subtract the amount you earned from the total time you have been racing after the race.